Best Ways of Biohacking Your Infrared Sauna Routine

Two women pouting inside a HigherDOSE Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna

The secret is definitely out! From the confines of medical circles, one health hack is steamrolling its way into mainstream consciousness. And based on celebrity supporters like Gwyneth Paltrow, Lady Gaga, and Jennifer Aniston, it seems its popularity isn’t letting up. Nope, we’re not talking about drastic and unscientific diets, putting jade eggs into your vagina, or some such fad. 

Instead, this beauty and wellness booster is safe, non-invasive, pleasurable, and actually works! Drum roll please for infrared sauna, a cutting-edge tool with loads of healthful benefits. But like many tools worth using, there may be a couple of things you can do to optimize your infrared sauna routine. So if you’re up for fully harnessing this fantastic technological breakthrough to get into the “high life,” then break into it we shall!

A Brief Description of Infrared Sauna

Before we go on, let’s define what this innovation is all about. The infrared sauna taps into powerful infrared light, mimicking the natural healing abilities of the sun’s heat without any of the harmful effects of UV rays. Infrared light is unlike other types of radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum because it is invisible (but you detect it as heat). It also has longer wavelengths than visible light, enabling the efficient penetration of thermal energy deep beyond our skin’s layers and into the mitochondria.

These mitochondria are organelles, or “little organs,” that fire up the cells by creating the energy needed to function well.  With the biochemical boost, our cells go into a “fix-all-you-can” mode to repair damaged organs, muscles, and tissues and bring about cellular rejuvenation. The numerous powerful advantages of an infrared sauna routine include cardiovascular benefits, a stronger immune system, relief from pain and inflammation, and enhanced blood circulation.

Top Tips for Biohacking Infrared Sauna

Biohacking your infrared sauna routine is a breeze with these easy-yet-effective to-dos. Just remember to consult with your doctor before undergoing any type of treatment, including infrared sauna therapy.

1. Schedule as you go. 

Too busy saving the world? Then search instead for pockets of time that you can fit into your hectic schedule. When you’ve only got the briefest of breaks in between errands or meetings, “add more minutes” to the clock with the HigherDOSE Infrared PEMF Mat, with PEMF or Pulsed Electromagnetic Field technology. This high-tech mat sends electromagnetic waves through your body to help with its natural recovery process. The original version is perfectly sized, so you can have it home or keep it in the office for a quick and refreshing pick-me-up.

A woman lying on a HigherDOSE Infrared PEMF Mat

But what if the only break you can afford is your drive time? No worries! The HigherDOSE Infrared PEMF Mat also comes in the lighter but equally potent Infrared PEMF Go Mat. Similar to the original version, this mat also delivers small bursts of PEMF waves at low frequencies to safely replicate what you’d find in nature. The only difference between the two is that the Go Mat is more compact and sized for travel so that you can tuck it in your car seat for some pampering on the road. And when you get home, you can easily plop the mat onto your WFH chair! The good news is that the longer (max of 30 minutes per session) and more frequently you use the Infrared Mat (in either the original or Go sizes), the more beneficial it will be to your health over the long term.

2. Maximize the moment.

An infrared sauna is an excellent tool for heightened relaxation and inner cleansing. For instance, the HigherDOSE Infrared Sauna Blanket has far-infrared rays that may help deliver a deeply detoxifying sweat to push out heavy metals in your system and increase your heart rate for a healthy glow. So, in a way, having an infrared therapy session is like going on a mini-vacation. In that case, you may want to consider the following:

  • Ditch your phone and other gadgets that keep you from fully savoring your self-care ritual.  
  • Put on your favorite unwinding music and, perhaps, some relaxing lavender scents.
  • Focus on the here and now. Let the infrared heat slowly envelop you like a warm and comforting embrace as it melts away your worries.
  • Leave the guilt out the door (you can better care for others if you’re getting some quality TLC yourself). You deserve this.

Higherdose high-dration powder

3. Stay hydrated. 

By mini-vacation, we don’t mean the highly-spirited kind. You’re aiming for wellness, so you’d want to drop the booze before, during, and after your infrared sauna therapy.

Although the temperatures in infrared saunas aren’t as high as those in traditional or Finnish saunas, the intense sweating produced by infrared rays will cause you to lose body fluids. So having some joy juice around your infrared sessions is a no-no. 

Because alcohol is a diuretic, it makes your body flush out fluids from your blood through your kidney, bladder, and the thin tubes in between. As a result, you can end up getting dehydrated and lightheaded. In worse scenarios, you might pass out and have a heat stroke or head contusion

Instead of alcoholic beverages, refresh yourself and replenish lost fluids from sweating with good ole H2O. Staying hydrated will help you avoid certain health risks, such as headaches or dizziness, and even low blood pressure, unconsciousness, and kidney failure. 

But water won’t always cut it. Elevate your hydration habits with HigherDOSE High-Dration powder. Its unique blend of magnesium and marine algae minerals combined with the ultra-hydrating duo of watermelon and coconut powders is designed to hydrate, replenish, and amplify your glow like no electrolyte powder can, making High-Dration the ultimate post-sauna replenishment. 

4. Loosen up.  

If you’re male, you may want to avoid tight-fitting underwear while having your infrared sauna session. Studies show that sauna bathing may affect sperm count. This happens when the scrotum (the fleshy bag that holds and protects a man’s testicles) overheats, affecting sperm production. The good news is that the adverse effects are only temporary. These are reversed after discontinuing infrared saunas—something you may not want to do.

To keep your man parts cool and happy, lower the temperature down there by wearing looser underwear that won’t press anything against your legs. Besides, overly tight clothing can irritate your skin, restrict your movements, and cause difficulty in breathing. 

5. Make time for a cool change.  

Spending time in a sauna enables several changes to happen to your body, including a rise in heart rate, dilation of blood vessels, and increased circulation. Research shows that the effects of a 25-minute session on your beater are similar to those of moderate exercise. Cooling down is, therefore, essential to help you revert to your pre-sauna (a.k.a. pre-heart workout) heart rate and blood pressure. If you suddenly stop, you may pass out or get sick. Cooling down will allow you to transition to your usual pace gradually.

A HigherDOSE Full Spectrum infrared sauna

6. Trust only HigherDOSE.

How effective your infrared sauna routine is will depend to a large extent on your choice of infrared devices. So who do you trust among the sea of options available out there? One way to find out is to follow the celebrity trail—all the way to  HigherDOSE. For instance, Hollywood A-lister Gwyneth Paltrow loves to chill and listen to podcasts tucked inside a HigherDOSE Infrared Sauna Blanket, which she rates a 10 out of 10. Supermodel Bella Hadid also loves “getting heated up” at the HigherDOSE Infrared Spa at Soho, New York. These are just a few of the many individuals at the top of their game who are on the money. They know enough to trust HigherDOSE for their infrared sauna needs.

Because only HigherDOSE can harness the healing power of nature and fit it into your busy, overstressed schedule. So all you get is a more rejuvenated, refreshed, grounded, and glowing you. 

Each of our Infrared, PEMF, and Red Light devices elevates your health and beauty rituals like no other, along with our collection of body products that boost their benefits. For instance, the HigherDOSE Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna encompasses the full infrared light range. First, its near-infrared light penetrates the epidermis and increases immune function. Next is mid-infrared light, which boosts circulation and blood flow. And finally, you’ve got far-infrared light with the longest wavelengths that penetrate to the core and release deep metals for the ultimate detox. 

The Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna is just one out of our rich collection of cutting-edge wellness tools designed to ignite vitality from the inside out. So, make biohacking your infrared sauna routine effortless and reap its amazing benefits—only with HigherDOSE. Shop our nature-inspired technologies, ingestibles, and topicals today!