PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) sends electromagnetic waves through your body to help promote your body’s own recovery process. Unlike the harmful electromagnetic waves found in devices like x-ray machines and microwaves, PEMF waves are delivered in small bursts at a low-frequency, mimicking the same kind of electromagnetic waves you’d find in nature. The longer you use it – both over time and during your PEMF session – the more you will feel the long-term benefits.
The PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology used in the Mat is based on optimized frequency, intensity and wave type of synergy with the other therapies which are part of the mat design; Far Infrared Therapy, Negative Ion Therapy, and Crystal Therapy
HigherDOSE specializes in all things infrared. Far Infrared Heat , which can also be found in the HigherDOSE Infrared Sauna Blanket, deeply penetrates the body to promote healing, increase circulation, and quiet inflammation. Our infrared devices are low EMF and encourage whole-body relaxation.