The Ripple Effect: Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Dealing With Cellulite

A woman on her bathing suit while standing on the beach.

Let’s talk cellulite – yep, that dimpled, orange peel-textured skin that shows up on your thighs, backside, abdomen and arms. Let’s be real, we all have it (especially in really bad lighting in unfair dressing rooms—Yes, you know the ones). Over 80% of women have it, and don’t worry: men do too.

The good news is that it’s purely cosmetic. Cellulite is not harmful, or a sign of a medical condition. But it can be incredibly difficult to get rid of and can actually be related to other bodily functions. Let’s break it down, literally.

What is cellulite?

TL;DR: There isn’t one answer.

There are a few things that contribute to the formation of cellulite, but no one specific cause that can be pinpointed. Your genes, body fat percentage, skin thickness, and age can all contribute to your predisposition for cellulite.

Cellulite definitely starts to show up as we age, thanks to less elasticity in the skin. Women tend to get cellulite more often than men based on the balance between estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. When that hormone harmony is disrupted by hormone-altering circumstances like pregnancy, PCOS, puberty, etc., cellulite results.

Other factors include:

  • Poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle
  • Toxins building up in the body
  • Weight gain
  • Lack of physical activity

So, while cellulite is pretty hard to avoid – luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to keep your skin firm, smooth, and glowing.

How to treat cellulite

Infrared sauna sessions are one good way to reduce cellulite. Exposure to light at red and near-infrared wavelengths encourages the body to detoxify and get rid of fat as well as to rebuild collagen connective tissue. Collagen is key to helping skin elasticity, which reduces the accumulation of cellulite.

*Shameless HD Plug* With a session in our Infrared Saunas or Sauna Blankets, your body is able to sweat out toxins that can cause skin to look dull, tired, and wrinkled.

Lymphatic Drainage
Blocked lymph nodes means your waste removal system is not working at its finest, which directly affects the skin.

Finding ways to stimulate the lymphatic system is the ultimate way to strengthen the immune system, re-energize the skin, and expedite your body’s natural detoxification process.

Of course, diet and exercise can help too. Experts recommend lots of cardio and weight training to help reduce the appearance of cellulite because it reduces body fat that may be stored under the skin. But getting too obsessed with fat burning can be dangerous. Instead, opt for an exercise program that balances aerobic, cardiovascular exercise with strength training and endurance. Choose an exercise program that combines aerobic exercise and strength training.

Don’t wait to invigorate. Using topical remedies to both stimulate the lymphatic system and the skin can be helpful to reduce the overall appearance of cellulite. 

Some treatments include:

  • Dry Brushing | Amazing for smooth skin and an active immune system, daily dry brushing goes a long way. Using a dry brush in circular motions from the feet towards the heart and the neck down can help your lymph system drain. Be mindful that your energy levels will increase, so doing it during the day is ideal. 

    HOT TIP: Dry brush before an infrared sauna session or before a shower to promote exfoliation and a deeper, more intense sweat.

  • Coffee Scrubs | Similar to dry brushing, scrubs (not the cheap ones with the beads in them) work to nourish the skin while also activating the lymphatic system. The added boost of caffeine energizes the skin to break down fat beneath the surface.

  • Retinol Creams | Retinol thickens the top layer of skin, which helps reduce the overall appearance of cellulite.

    Get a DOSE and start zapping cellulite with our Infrared Sauna and lymphatic drainage massage – available at our Williamsburg location.

    About the Author

    Lauren Berlingeri is dedicated to inspiring others through fitness and naturally-healthy lifestyle practices. After launching her career as an international model, Berlingeri went on to star in her own show, “Women vs. Workout”—grossing over 15 million views and receiving a Webby Award nomination for Best Host. This experience led to extreme sports hosting for brands such as UFC, EA Sports, and IMG. Having cemented her name within the fitness industry, Berlingeri decided to expand her expertise, earning a holistic nutritionist and health coach certification at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Her venture into the health and wellness startup spectrum began in 2014 as one of the first creative minds at—doing product development, leading the brand ambas-sador program, and brand partnerships. Lauren discovered the power of Infrared technology — specifically Infrared saunas — and saw an opportunity to bring the biohacking tool to the masses. Since co-founding HigherDOSE with Katie Kaps, the wellness brand has experienced meteoric success, boiling down to a true revolutionization of the spa business. Creating all the initial Forbes, branding themselves and even acting as models in their first campaigns, the brand exploded, leading the way to at-home sauna systems that thrived during the pandemic. As a female biohacker and mother of twins, Lauren brings a fresh perspective to a space that has been dominated by male voices from its inception, making it HigherDOSE’s core mission to educate women about their bio-individuality and give them the tools they need to reach their own best selves, with content designed to educate people on how to take control of their own wellness regimens.

    Lauren Berlingeri