Uncovering Holistic Rituals with Health Expert Dr. Kristina Telhami

dr.kristina telhami

Dr. Kristina Telhami is a Doctor of Pharmacy, Holistic Health Coach, Functional Medicine Specialist, and Integrative Health Practitioner. She specializes in helping people address digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, acne, and weight management by promoting a mindset shift through diet, lifestyle changes, and Functional Medicine lab testing. With over five years of experience researching and practicing holistic living, Dr. Telhami focuses on uncovering the root causes of health challenges.

In our conversation, Dr. Telhami shares valuable insights on the benefits of holistic health, practical wellness strategies, and expert advice.

Can you share your journey to becoming a holistic health coach? What inspired you to focus on whole-body wellness?

Growing up, I always had gut issues and never felt like my digestion was normal. I went to countless doctors and specialists, but they always told me everything was normal and to take medication. Not only that, but I had amenorrhea for 8 years and no doctors could get to the root cause of my period issues. Instead, I was told birth control was my answer and that was exactly what I took to have a "regular cycle" for years. What I didn't know was the medication I was on for my digestion and birth control was causing me more health issues. 

After struggling with an eating disorder, extreme weight loss, anxiety, and depression in college, I was sick of feeling terrible every single day. I was sick of barely making it to class because of exhaustion or having severe stomach pain throughout the day. I found a Functional Medicine Practitioner who did stool testing and got to the root cause of my health issues. I was shocked at how I could heal my body and finally feel like myself again with NO medication. I knew that this was exactly what I wanted to do in the future. I wanted to help others who went through my similar situation but use a root-cause approach rather than a band-aid solution.

This is why I decided to become a Functional Medicine Practitioner so I can share REAL health and wellness information and help others get to the root cause of their symptoms. I work with both men and women to heal their digestive issues, hormone imbalances, and get to the root cause of their health issues through diet and lifestyle changes as well as Functional Medicine Lab Testing. 

What are the key benefits to adopting a holistic approach to skincare and overall health?

So many people don’t realize how our products and lifestyle can impact our internal health. There are SO many benefits to a holistic approach and finding a root cause to one’s health issues. Rather than masking your symptoms with a pill, we want to find ways to heal our bodies naturally so that we get to the root of the issue. When it comes to skincare, I always tell people to use non-toxic products. Our products impact our hormones. Whatever we put on our skin is going to be directly absorbed into our bodies. Toxic products, whether it’s skincare, makeup, cleaning products etc. can contain endocrine disrupting chemicals. These are going to impact our hormones and therefore it’s crucial we’re aware of what products we are using daily. Every single thing we put on and, in our bodies, will impact our health in the future.

What are your top three recommendations for people looking to improve their skin and wellness naturally?

The first and most important is to focus on nutrition and eating real whole foods. A lot of people switch to healthier processed foods, but it’s still processed. When you eat foods in their real form, you are going to see huge benefits in your skin health. Focus on animal proteins, fruits, veggies, and quality fats. The better you eat, the better your skin will glow. Remove processed foods, added sugar, and stick to the basics. Food is medicine.

Manage stress. Stress is the number one thing I have clients focus on to improve their health. Whether it’s work, friendships, lack of sleep, not eating enough etc., your body does not do well with stress levels being too high. When cortisol levels get too high, it can cause your thyroid and other hormones to be off. Find ways to focus on your mental health, such as walking, taking time off your phone, eating consistently, sleeping enough, or just doing something you love.

Lastly, using quality skincare and non-pore clogging ingredients is huge. A lot of people have sensitive skin and acne-prone skin so they may be causing their skin to break out without realizing. I was using “clean” products that contained so many pore-clogging ingredients like coconut oil & tallow that actually caused me to break out. While some people may do well on these products, it can clog your pores. Once I learned about what products worked for my skin and once I stayed consistent on a routine, my skin improved.

How does magnesium support holistic health, and how can incorporating products with magnesium help with stress relief and overall well-being?

Most people are actually magnesium deficient, and this is one of the most important minerals people should be supplementing with. We need magnesium for energy production, blood sugar balance, muscle relaxation, and even for our immune system.

Magnesium is also important for:

  • Stress relief
  • Relaxing muscles
  • Helps with anxiety & depression
  • Blood sugar management
  • Relieves headaches & migraines
  • Relieves PMS symptoms
  • Supports sleep
  • Lowers inflammation

I always suggest clients to be cautious of what magnesium products they use on their body. Some magnesium forms I love are topical sprays, lotions, and magnesium glycinate capsules. These are great to add before bed to help relax your body, muscles, mind, and optimize your sleep. To maximize your magnesium intake, make sure to shop HigherDOSE’s body care and supplements.

How do you incorporate red light therapy in your holistic beauty routine?

Red light therapy is a crucial part of my wellness routine. I actually have a red light therapy mask, an infrared sauna + mat, AND a red light panel that I use DAILY. For my red light mask, I use this about 5-6x a week and have it on my face for 10 min after washing my face. I make sure I use this on clean skin and then follow up with my skincare routine. It’s great to lower inflammation, acne scars, wrinkle prevention and more.

For my red light panel, I love to do red light therapy every night on my body, especially in areas I have pain or may feel more swollen. I love doing it on my stomach when I’m a little more bloated or my digestion may be off.

What benefits can meditation and grounding provide when it comes to health and wellness? 

Meditation is something EVERYONE needs to be doing. A lot of people don’t realize how your mental health impacts your physical health. Most people are over-working themselves in all areas of life and not taking enough time to relax or destress.

Grounding is something most people do not do enough of, especially since we are all inside most of the day. We aren’t spending enough time outside and with the earth. There are so many positive benefits of grounding. First, it can actually help with chronic fatigue and chronic pain.

Studies have shown it helps improve mood, thereby decreasing anxiety and depression. This is actually the main reason I love to ground. I feel an immediate relaxation and sense of relief.

Grounding has also been shown to improve sleep, due to the calming effect. It can even reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. There was a study that found that long-term grounding helped reduce blood pressure levels in those with hypertension!

Are there any common misconceptions about holistic health or skincare that you'd like to debunk?

The first misconception is that you have to exfoliate daily and over-wash your face. Less is more with your skin. If you're not sweating, I would just suggest washing your face in the evening and just rinsing your face in the morning with water. We don’t want to over-exfoliate and damage our skin barrier daily.

Another misconception is putting tons of oils on your face is going to be healing. In reality, a lot of oils can actually clog your pores and break you out. It's important to not follow random advice from someone on social media with what works for them because their skin is not your skin.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting their holistic wellness journey, what would it be?

I wish more people knew that the people that they surround themselves with can be negatively impacting their health. I want others to find people who uplift you, make you a better person, and support you on a daily basis. I didn't realize a lot of my friendships and partnerships were holding me back on my healing. Take time to evaluate the people you have in your lives and make sure that these people are making you the best version of rather than bringing you down or holding you back in life.

I also want people to realize how stress management can impact your physical health. A lot of us want to find a magical supplement, device, or food that'll magically heal their bodies. In reality, your mental health plays a HUGE role in how your body is functioning. 

For more tips on achieving full body wellness, follow Dr. Kristina’s holistic journey on her Instagram: @dr.kristinatelhami. 

About the Author

Sajel Mistry is a writer and content marketer passionate about health, wellness, and storytelling. With over five years of experience in content creation, digital marketing, and communications, she focuses on connecting audiences to ideas, brands, and experiences that inspire and empower. After earning a Journalism degree, Sajel developed her skills through diverse roles in media and marketing. She brings a personal touch to every piece she creates, whether uncovering the science behind wellness innovations or sharing practical tips for healthy living, always aiming to empower readers on their health journeys. As the Communications Coordinator at HigherDOSE, Sajel combines her expertise and passion to help readers discover innovative wellness solutions and achieve their full potential.

Sajel Mistry